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Lightning Chest: Open the Lightning Chest and use ‘Strikes’ to replace cards you don’t want. Cards are replaced with another card of the same amount and rarity. Higher Arena Lightning Chests allow for more Strikes!

Arena 1 (2 strikes available): Total Cards: 81 [Common: 64; Rare: 16; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 2 (2 strikes available): Total Cards: 85 [Common: 67; Rare: 17; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 3 (3 strikes available): Total Cards: 89 [Common: 71; Rare: 17; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 4 (3 strikes available): Total Cards: 93 [Common: 74; Rare: 18; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 5 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 97 [Common: 77; Rare: 19; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 6 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 101 [Common: 79; Rare: 20; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 7 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 105 [Common: 82; Rare: 21; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 8 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 109 [Common: 86; Rare: 21; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 9 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 113 [Common: 89; Rare: 22; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 10 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 117 [Common: 92; Rare: 23; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 11 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 121 [Common: 95; Rare: 24; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Arena 12 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 125 [Common: 98; Rare: 25; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 1%]

Fortune Chest: Four different cards are featured in the Fortune Chest on a daily basis. The cards are selected randomly but tries to favor cards that would be interesting and useful for you. Two out of the four featured cards are guaranteed upon opening the Fortune Chest (in effect as of Apr 24).

Arena 1: Total Cards: 162 [Common: 125; Rare: 32; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 2: Total Cards: 170 [Common: 131; Rare: 34; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 3: Total Cards: 178 [Common: 138; Rare: 35; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 4: Total Cards: 186 [Common: 143; Rare: 37; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 2%]

Arena 5: Total Cards: 194 [Common: 150; Rare: 38; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 5%]

Arena 6: Total Cards: 202 [Common: 156; Rare: 40; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 5%]

Arena 7: Total Cards: 210 [Common: 161; Rare: 42; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 7%]

Arena 8: Total Cards: 218 [Common: 168; Rare: 43; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 7%]

Arena 9: Total Cards: 226 [Common: 174; Rare: 45; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 7%]

Arena 10: Total Cards: 234 [Common: 181; Rare: 46; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 10%]

Arena 11: Total Cards: 242 [Common: 186; Rare: 48; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%]

Arena 12: Total Cards: 250 [Common: 192; Rare: 50; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%]

King’s Chest (available from Arena 1-6)

Arena 1: Total Cards: 240 [Common: 176; Rare: 48; Epic: 16; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 2: Total Cards: 250 [Common: 184; Rare: 50; Epic: 16; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 3: Total Cards: 260 [Common: 191; Rare: 52; Epic: 17; Chances for Legendary: 0%]

Arena 4: Total Cards: 270 [Common: 198; Rare: 54; Epic: 18; Chances for Legendary: 10%]

Arena 5: Total Cards: 280 [Common: 206; Rare: 56; Epic: 18; Chances for Legendary: 20%]

Arena 6: Total Cards: 290 [Common: 213; Rare: 58; Epic: 19; Chances for Legendary: 33%]

Legendary’s King Chest (available from Arena 7-12): Each Legendary’s King Chest guarantees a Legendary Card and a unique ‘card drafting’ mechanic that allows you to choose between two different cards at a time.

Arena 7: Total Cards: 300 [Common: 219; Rare: 60; Epic: 20; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Arena 8: Total Cards: 310 [Common: 227; Rare: 62; Epic: 20; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Arena 9: Total Cards: 320 [Common: 234; Rare: 64; Epic: 21; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Arena 10: Total Cards: 330 [Common: 241; Rare: 66; Epic: 22; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Arena 11: Total Cards: 340 [Common: 249; Rare: 68; Epic: 22; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Arena 12: Total Cards: 350 [Common: 256; Rare: 70; Epic: 23; Chances for Legendary: 100%]

Quelle: clashroyale.com

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22.04.2018 (RIP CT)